2022 Holiday Basket Auction
#3 Book Basket

Winning bid $50
Adult Books
- Fairy Tale by Stephen King
- Winter Kill by CJ Box
- Fast Ice by Clive Cussler
- Space Exploration:Past, Present & Future by Carolyn Collins Petersen (signed by author)
- 2023 Farmer's Almanac Planner
Children’s Books
- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling
- Escape from Atlantis
- Owl Diaries
- Touch Your Nose
- Mack Rhino
- The BFG
- This Makes Me Sad
- 2 bilingual board books
Vincent Van Gogh puzzle 1,000 pieces
To bid: email leverettlibraryauction@gmail.com
Bidding ends 12/17 @1pm