Annual Report

Friends of Leverett Library


JULY 1, 2023 TO JUNE 30, 2024

The Friends of Leverett Library support the town library in ways that fall outside of the purview of the town and state funding. As of July 1, 2023, the following served on the board: Leslie Fisette-president; Leah Larkey-membership coordinator; Peggy Brownell-treasurer, Kathy Weller-secretary, Gerald McFarland, Carolyn Anderson, Marilyn London Ewing, Richard Godsey and Georgie Schmid -members-at large.

Hannah Paessel is our Library Director. Hannah has attended the Friends’ meetings to keep us informed of library needs, programming and progress. Thank you, Hannah, for a job well done! Thanks also to Sue Laclaire (Library Cataloger) and Jill Palmer (Library Assistant) for helpful suggestions throughout the year.

During the October 2023 annual Friends of the Leverett Library meeting, Jarice Hanson presented “Frances Perkins: A Woman’s Work.” The Living History presentation was a fascinating glimpse into the work of the first female Secretary of Labor and the major advances of social reforms during FDR’s administration.

The Friends raise money through memberships, special events and donations. By June 30,2024, we had 258 members, including 162 lifetime members. In fall 2023, we organized the on-line auction of holiday baskets prepared and donated by members of the Friends board, library staff, and the community. The used book and DVD sale in the library vestibule continues.

Due to a generous matching grant of $10,000 from an anonymous donor, the Friends began a donation campaign in the fall of 2023 to raise money for the first step in the creation of an expanded outdoor area at the library. A proposed plan was completed by the Conway School of Design by January 2024. By June 2024, contributions had surpassed the $10,000 mark! Leslie and Georgie are the Friends’ representatives on the newly formed oversight committee for the new outdoor gathering area. Thank you to all of the donors who have made the initial steps of this project possible.

The Friends provided funds to the Library Director for programming expenses. We provided funds for summer reading program prizes and stipends for the Music on the Patio performers. We continue to support Dawn Marvin Ward’s maintenance of both the patio and entryway gardens. Passes to local attractions are kept current. Available passes are listed on the library website and posted on the bulletin board across from the circulation desk. We added 2 new passes during the year: New Salem Museum and Academy of Fine Art and The Mount, home of Edith Wharton.


As approved May 15, 1990: as amended October 28, 1992; as amended October 23, 2011, as amended October 7, 2016

Article I


The name of this association shall be Friends of Leverett Library.

Article II


It is recognized that the administration of the Leverett Library is vested in the Board of Library Trustees, Friends being distinct and separate from the Trustees.

The purpose of this organization shall be to maintain an association of persons interested in books and libraries and to focus public attention on library services, facilities, and needs: Friends’ project to be undertaken only with the full knowledge and approval of the Library Director and the Board of Library Trustees.

Article III


Section 1 Membership in this organization shall be open to all individuals in sympathy with its purposes.

Section 2 Each member shall be entitled to one vote.

Article IV

Officers and Committees

Section 1 The Board of Directors shall consist of nine Members: a President, Membership Chairman, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and five at-large members.

Section 2 This Board of Directors shall serve as the governing body of this association and shall meet at the call of the President.

Section 3 The direction of affairs of this association shall rest with the Board of Directors, the President serving as Chairman. A majority of the members of this Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Section 4 Committees shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Board as the need arises.

Section 5 The nine Board Members shall be elected at Annual Meetings by a majority vote of those present. Nominations from the floor shall be invited; no one shall be nominated without his/her consent. At each Annual Meeting either five or four members shall be elected to a two-year term.

Section 6 Vacancies arising on the Board shall be filled by appointment made by the remaining Board members.

Section 7 No Library Trustee or Library Staff Member may hold office in this association.

Article V


Section 1 This association shall hold its annual meeting each Fall for the purpose of election of Officers, to receive various reports, and to enact any other business. A written/email notice shall be sent to each member in advance.

Section 2 A special meeting may be held as directed by the President, provided the membership is notified by mail/email (with the business to be transacted stated) at least two weeks prior to the proposed date.

Article VI


Section 1 The annual dues shall be determined by the Board of Directors.

Section 2 The fiscal year of this organization shall begin on May 1 of each year and end on April 30 of the following year. The membership year shall be the calendar year.

Article VII


Section 1 Adequate books of accounts shall be maintained by the Treasurer, who shall be responsible therefor.

Section 2 All monies received by the association are to be deposited in the existing checking account and from there may be transferred to an interest-bearing account and/or paid out.

Section 3 No funds shall be disbursed without a vote of the Board of Directors. Checks may be signed by the President or the Treasurer.

Article VIII


The Bylaws may be amended at any annual meeting of this association by two–thirds of the members present, provided that notice of the proposed amendment shall have been mailed/emailed to all members at least two weeks before the said meeting.

Article IX

Parliamentary Authority

All meetings shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised except when in conflict with these Bylaws.

Article X


In the event of dissolution of this association, all of the net assets remaining after payment of any liabilities shall be paid over and distributed to the Town of Leverett, Massachusetts, to establish a fund for the benefit of the Leverett Library.

Last updated 10-7-2016

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